About the Council
The Energy Efficiency and Resource Management Council (EERMC) was established in 2006, under amendments to the Rhode Island Energy Resources Act (R.I.G.L. § 42-140.1), to provide oversight of Rhode Island’s ratepayer funded energy efficiency programs and structured stakeholder participation. As defined in the statute, the purpose of the EERMC is to maximize benefits to Rhode Island energy consumers through energy efficiency. The Council’s goal is to ensure Rhode Islanders are getting the least expensive and most environmentally healthy energy supply through energy efficiency, conservation, and resource management.
The Council includes fifteen members that represent small and large business, non-profit organizations, market rate and low-income homeowners and renters, municipalities, governments and environmental science and policy. Meet the Council Members here…
Rhode Island is among the leading energy efficiency jurisdictions in North America. The presence of a council consisting of stakeholders focused on energy efficiency planning is a key driver of Rhode Island’s success. The strength of the Council comes from the fact that diverse, key stakeholders representing all types of Rhode Island interests work together to make decisions from a common set of facts. The EERMC is an integral piece of a collaborative decision-making process to implement the legislative mandate of acquiring all cost-effective efficiency resources.