

National Grid’s Rhode Island Energy Efficiency Collaborative (Collaborative) is a group of energy efficiency stakeholders that meets monthly to inform the development, implementation, and evaluation of National Grid’s energy efficiency (EE) and system reliability procurement (SRP) plans. National Grid has facilitated the Collaborative since 1991 as a means to create transparency around the development of annual EE and SRP plans and to work towards building consensus with organizations before EE and SRP plans are filed with the RI Public Utilities Commission (PUC) each year. In the interest of promoting innovative and constructive dialogue, the Collaborative receives agenda items and other supporting documents in advance of the meetings.

The Collaborative is distinct from the EERMC and serves a different purpose. The Collaborative discusses the details of program development while the EERMC works to formally oversee EE and SRP efforts at a higher level to ensure cost-effective energy savings and benefits are achieved. All Collaborative-informed EE and SRP plans are subject to public review processes that include public comment and votes at the EERMC and PUC.

How to Become a Member

Membership is open to any organization that has an interest in RI energy efficiency and demand-side resources. The following is expected from any organization that becomes a Collaborative Member. The organization should:

  1. Have an interest in the outcome of RI EE and SRP programs.
  2. Commit to attending every meeting and reviewing all documents.
  3. Have relevant subject knowledge and expertise in energy efficiency.
  4. Agree to work in good faith towards the development and review of EE and SRP plans.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Collaborative or would like to learn more about the group, please contact Courtney Lane at

Public Attendance and How to Attend a Meeting

Members of the public and organizations that cannot commit to being a full Collaborative member are welcome to attend meetings and listen to the discussion. For more information on upcoming meetings, please contact John Richards at